Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Freischwimmer or 'Free swimmer'

Siobhan and I looked at Freischwimmer by Wolfgang Tillmans, in the Peninsula Art Gallery. This was a photo print made without a camera. He created it by running fibre optic lights across photosensitive paper in a dark room. The scale has a massive effect on the overall finish. The lines are bold and the background is very bright, so having it on such a large scale makes it very eye catching and more impressive than if it was a much smaller scale.
We feel that this image plays around with the meaning of photography, exploring what is and isn't a photograph. From a distance this wouldn't appear to be a photograph, but technically it is. It reminds us of a few different things, including sound waves or a graph of audio information, a heart monitor or water.
After discussing this piece for an hour and a half and looking at the curative aspects of it, we were disappointed to find that the small details that we thought were part of the piece, were not at all. For example, the piece is printed in two halves that are attaches together and hangs away from the wall.

Freischwimmer - Wolfgang Tillmans

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