Wednesday, 2 November 2011

BAS7 - Christian Marclay

I have chosen to write about this installation piece by Christian Marclay entitled The Clock, because of all the BAS7 exhibits I have come across so far, this one intrigued me the most.

The installation consists of 24 hours worth of television and film fragments, where time is either expressed, or a character interacts with a clock, watch or particular time of day, which Marclay has edited and synchronized to the local time zone.

The Clock allows the audience to experience a vast range of narratives, where time unravels in many directions at once.
While films and television programs often depict time at a dizzyingly fast rate, this installation accurately depicts real time, thus acting as an extremely unpractical, yet magnificent clock.

Collage has been a recurring medium for Marclay throughout his career, from experimenting with sounds and records, to video and montage.

Christian Marclay - ‘The Clock’ at Paula Cooper Gallery - Review - 2011. Christian Marclay - ‘The Clock’ at Paula Cooper Gallery - Review - [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 25 October 2011].

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